
* Ermax PRODUCTS are guaranteed for one year (contractual manufacturer’s warranty). Our guarantees only cover Ermax items.

* Ermax accessories are foreseen for original equipments. They will not be guaranteed if they are used in others conditions.

* Due to vehicles made tolerances, beyond our control, some Ermax PRODUCTS might need adjustings to fit.

* Care to excessive clampings which may damage or break our plastic accessories and aluminium screws.

* The parts’ mounting is not guaranteed (excessive tightening of screws, modifications that must be made on the bike but not worked…).

* Items damaged by corrosive liquids are not guaranteed (battery or brake fluid, gas …).

* The CLIENT has to make himself acquainted with all characteristics of PRODUCTS, including their use and installation, and implement appropriate procedures to ensure the best use of goods. A user guide is supplied with Ermax PRODUCTS (you can download it on each product sheet on this web site).


Ermax painted pieces in ABS

* Painted and varnished parts are not guaranteed against high pressure steam washes or aggressive cleaning products which can damage them and unstuck the varnish. We advise moreover, according to the technical data of our painting suppliers, to wait one month to obtain a complete polymerization of varnish. 


Ermax screens, nose screens and windshields in PMMA (plexiglass, perspex®)

* Screens damaged by an inadequat washing are not guaranteed (abrasive, corrosive … products, solvent, thinner, benzine …). Wash immediately brake or battery fluid which may flow on accessories.

* In order to increase longevity of your chromed fixings, it is advised to polish them off with an anticorrosion product as WD40® after each washing or exposition at humid atmosphere (rain …).

Roquefort la Bédoule, April 23rd, 2015.