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4.4 / 5
7 avis
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David I.
Z900RS Orange/Brown
This is our 4th addition to the bike via Ermax products and I must say that these products have transformed this already great looking motorcycle into something really special. The fit and finish of the products are really good and color matching is impressive. If you want to create your own version of this bike all these color coordinated accessories are the way to go! Thanks for your attention to the details Ermax...
Gary M.
Z900RS Belly Pan
The installation instructions were a little difficult to follow and the pics not clear enough. I found it easier to install the sides and centre parts separately rather than assembled as per the instructions. This was because getting the brackets in right position to accept the assembly was just a bit too difficult for me. The quality of the components is excellent and the colour match is perfect. Overall, I am very happy with it. Thanks