Il y a 11 avis.
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4.1 / 5
11 avis
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giancarlo z.
excellent product , beautiful and highly protecting from wind. I got the light black is not that light. Anyway i like it very much. good buy !
Parabrezza per Honda NC 750 x DCT 2016/17
Il prodotto è stato ricevuto dopo 4 giorni lavorativi dall'ordine ed è arrivato perfettamente integro nel suo imballo. Grazie
Marc L.
Touring Windscreen
Touring windscreen ordered to replace the original windscreen on my new nc750xa. Delivered in just 4 days. Pleasantly surprised by the quality and the looks of the windscreen. Protects the rider as it's supposed to be. Right price also. Thanks.
Colin T.
Excellent service. I will be a return customer. Thanks
John S.
Nice and Clean
Thanks for rather fast delivery, only a few days, but more imortant, everything fits as if it was an original but mmuch more usefull. So thanks again from a guy friom Belgium.